The Leaven of Liberalism - Chapter 1

I've decided, in order to give you a better idea of what this message is about, to post Chapter 1 in my book "The Leaven of Liberalism. This chapter gives my perspective on the issue. In order to study this subject in it's proper order, I suggest you begin with the "Author's Note" then read the Introduction, followed by Chapter 1. From there you may proceed to Part 1 and continue through to Part 5.

Other Chapters in the book include:
Chapter 3 "Divide and Conquer"
Chapter 4 "Liberalism and the Great Apostasy"
Chapter 5 "Can a Liberal be a Christian?"
Chapter 6 "The Fruits of Liberalism"
Chapter 7  "The Coming Judgment"
Chapter 8 "The Fall of Liberalism"

I plan to have a link to this book within a couple of months. I strongly suggest any interested readers on this blog to get a copy of this book and share it with your friends.

Since I am a born again Christian my world view forces me to scrutinize this situation through the lens of biblical truth. I realize that others may have a different perspective and that’s okay. Truth is truth no matter what side of the argument you’re on, unless of course, you’re one of those people who don’t believe there is such a thing as absolute truth. My question to them is always: “Are you absolutely sure about that?” I suppose most religions have some good and some truth to glean, but I believe the Bible is the Word of God. The way I see it, we’ve drifted away from the principles and morals written in the Word of God and that has brought us to where we are today in America.

As a child, I was raised in the Southern Baptist Church. Over the course of time I abandoned the Christian principles my parents and my faith had taught me. Ultimately, I found myself sinking lower and lower into a hedonistic, party lifestyle until one day; I had a great spiritual awakening. I went to church for the first time in twenty years only to leave with more doubts and questions about the Christian faith than ever before. Because of that, I understand the Bible skeptics. I was quite skeptical myself but I dug and I searched and eventually my doubts and questions were answered to my satisfaction. Subsequently I ended up going to Bible school where I graduated with a license to preach the gospel. Over the course of 15 years I’ve done prison ministry, evangelism, and pastored 3 different churches, one of which my wife and I planted. I admit, there are still parts of the Bible I don’t completely understand, but I am still able to understand and embrace the Christian doctrine with unwavering faith.

However, one thing I fail to understand about the Bible skeptics is their apparent inability to thoroughly search for truth while stubbornly standing on their own perspective. Any religion requires faith, including atheism. Logically speaking, I don’t understand the entire complexity of electricity, yet, I benefit from it everyday. Millions of people around the world are unable to comprehend the marvels of modern technology, but they use it everyday. My advice to Bible skeptics is to take a leap of faith and thoroughly challenge your own perspective with intelligent arguments contrary to your own. Perhaps you will find life changing information which may well benefit your own life. I’m no expert in Christian apologetics and it is not my intention to defend the Christian faith in this book. There are people out there much smarter than I who have devoted their whole lives to that type of ministry, but for Bible skeptics to boldly defy the validity of Scripture without first diligently examining the arguments they oppose, is just plain foolish.

Fact is; God’s Word and His principles saved my life! Before I was awakened, I was either headed back to prison or to an early grave, there’s no doubt in my mind about that. God’s Word has been good for me and my family, there was a time when it was working for America too, and it still can if we would just turn back to Him. From where I’m standing things look pretty bleak, but I still have hope, not the “hope & change” promised by our current President, I have real hope because I believe in a great God and regardless of the direction the United States of America decides to go, my destiny is sealed in Christ, that’s my perspective.


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