"The Leaven of Liberalism" Part 2 The Fallacy of Liberalism

As I shared with you last week, from my book titled: "The Leaven of Liberalism", I wrote about how the world has a sin problem; not a gun problem, or a drug problem, or a crime problem etc... The world, not just America, has a sin problem. Apart from God, there is no hope of curing the sin problem. The good news is; Jesus Christ has taken care of the sin problem. The bad news is; the world has rejected the remedy for the sin problem; the world has chosen to produce its own cure to this spiritual disease.

I pointed out how man is born into sin because through the first man, Adam, it has been passed down through our DNA. This is the basic doctrinal fact called "The Depravity of Man" which liberalism refuses to acknowledge. The result is; a world which attempts to address the sin problem through psycology and vain philosophies like, liberalism. Ultimately, such a society will justify their sin rather than repent of them. 

I tried to highlight the turning point in America which took place in the 60's & 70's, which lead us into the direction of a more liberal society. I pointed out 3 major events in America which set us on the path of failure.

1. Removing God from our schools and national heritage.
2. Legalizing abortion.
3. Tolerating homosexuality.

It has now been a generation since we as a society have chosen to embrace liberal philosophies, thus, ignoring the only remedy to the sin problem; Jesus Christ. This week, I want to share with you excerpt #2 from "The Leaven of Liberalism" under the sub title: "The Fallacy of Liberalism." 

The Fallacy of Liberalism

This is why liberalism won’t work; it conveniently refuses to recognize the depravity of man. As long as any society refuses to acknowledge this fact of life, any ideal which they may choose to impose, is doomed to fail. This goes for liberalism, socialism, communism, even capitalism! Without allegiance to God, the sin problem hinders and ultimately destroys anyone or anything we may present for the betterment of our society. Liberalism is a falsity because its ultimate conclusion cannot produce the promised result. In a nutshell, liberalism seeks to level the playing field by elevating the “lesser” to equality with the “greater”. However, there will always be the weaker as opposed to the stronger, the procrastinator, as opposed to the ambitious, the less intelligent as opposed to the more intelligent, the cold blooded and uncaring as opposed to the compassionate giver. There is nothing man can do to change human nature. You can write all the laws you want, but it will never change what’s in the heart of man—sin.

Take capitalism for example, free enterprise is the best way for man to build and prosper in any given society. However, apart from God, greed will devour man’s good intentions. As he prospers more and more, he is prone to become a greedy slave driver, paying his employees meager wages while he grows richer and more powerful. Liberalism’s answer to this problem is unions. In the beginning unions may have been a  good and necessary entity to battle greed, yet, apart from God; they too become greedy; demanding unrealistic wages and benefits. The result is higher, inflated purchasing prices passed down to the consumer, and sometimes unsustainable costs to employers, driving them to bankruptcy. It’s a no-win situation, but if Godly men would continue to follow Biblical principles; free enterprise would thrive and we’d have no need for unions, as well as a host of other worldly remedies.

Once liberalism is presented to a society, inevitably, the lesser will grow weary and begin to despise the greater. Because of our sin nature, the lesser begins to feel they are entitled to the possessions of the greater. The self righteousness and political correctness allowed by liberalism permits us to justify this covetousness and from there is class warfare conceived. Instead of leveling the playing field, liberalism does just the opposite. It creates hatred, envy, racism and divisions, all of which are fruits of the sin-nature. 


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