Strong Delusion Part II

The Strong Delusion

In the Last Days

Part II


In Part I of this series, we looked at just how subtle deception is, especially in these last days. I spent a lot of time writing about the green movement and how it reaches into almost every facet of daily human living. Since the green movement has apolitical and global initiative, I believe it is strongly tied to the system which will be used by the antichrist to govern a global economy. I tried to get you to think outside the theological box most of us Christians have created for ourselves; by pointing out we may very well see some major changes here in America, including a more intensive persecution towards believers in Christ.


It’s a Spiritual Problem


In Part II of this series, I want to point out moredevices which Satan uses to draw us away from the truth, as well as, our over dependence on these devices. But let me begin by emphasizing the need to understand; we are facing a spiritual problem. Because this is a spiritual problem, it must have a spiritual remedy. You see, Satan desires to be worshipped, that’s a spiritual thing. Satan is a spirit being with spiritual powers, although he uses worldly, carnal weapons quite effectively against us; the weapons of our warfare are spiritual; indeed they must be (II Cor. 10:3-5) & (Eph. 6:12).Fleshly weapons have zero power over Satan.However, he can and does, use fleshly weapons against believers. We’ve already discussed how the enemy uses ideologies against mankind, like liberalism; which reaches into so manycomponents of American society; our government, our churches, our laws, our media sources andeducation system the latter two, which I will discuss in more detail in a moment.  


For the time being, the enemy is being held in check and therefore has been greatly limited to the damage he can bring to believers in Christ. Most ofmankind is so oblivious to spiritual things, the enemy must use carnal weapons to entice, persuade and dominate those who have no spiritual insight. As we discussed already, even carnal Christians will fall into the enemy’s snares because they are not spiritually minded people. However, when the time is right and the antichrist is revealed, he will be given great spiritual power to make war against the saints… and to prevail (Rev. 13:7, 8). The enemy will deceive many seekers of Christ. I hate to sound so pessimistic, but considering the direction our nation’s leadership is headed, I don’t anticipate things getting better here in America. Our problems are not political, theyare spiritual and I don’t see America turning away from the cesspool of sin we have created. In fact, our nation’s elected officials continue to push God out of our society. Worse yet, even our supposed Christian politicians go out of their way to avoid looking too much like believers in Christ.  Because they are spiritually blind leaders, they continue to put a worldly Band-Aid on a spiritual wound. The result is; a nation which attempts to workrighteousness apart from God, therefore, America is destined to fall; unless she repents and turns back to God




Technology has allowed the enemy much quicker, more realistic and more enticing ways to deceive and corrupt man’s fallen, human nature.


Again, I have already written much about the technology of the last days, but bear with me for a moment while I bring up an extra point or two.The Bible tells us that knowledge will be increased in the last days.


“But you Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” (Dan. 12:4).


As the prophet Daniel was shown a great vision of the end times, one of the things God told him would come to pass was that knowledge would be greatly increased. For thousands of years, things remained pretty much the same. Only in the last 100 years of history have we seen this explosion of technology, another sign which indicates we are living in the last days. As I mentioned in Part I of this series, biometrics and facial recognition technology is already here, combine that with the fact that our own government is gathering massive amounts of data concerning our identities, preferences and private lives; I think it’s safe to say we are being prepped for complete government control. It’s nothing new for governments to take this almost god like control over its people. Manygovernments/leaders of the past have demanded worship from their citizens; what makes us think we are immune to this corruption of power, in America? Fact is; many already look to the government as a god. They look to government to feed them, give them money, shelter and anything else they think they are entitled to. The government has become their sole provider and therefore plays the role of god in their needy lives.Others, who may not be so needy, still deify government by looking to it as their source for peace, civilityhumanitarianism and justice.


Folks, the technology is already here, to identify and control every living person and when it falls into the hands of a tyrannical government, we will see state control invading every area of our lives it’s not a question of “if” this were to happen; it’s a question of when it will happen and how quickly it will be implemented. So far, in America we’ve managed to keep that power grab at bay by holding our government accountable to the constitution, however, that power is slipping away from us as the majority of Americans seem to wanta bigger, more intrusive government. What will you do when “that which hinders” this evil power is gone? This technology has introduced us to many of Satan’s most powerful devices and we have developed a dependency on them to the point of no return. Think about it; 100 years ago it wouldn’t have mattered one iota if the smart grid crashed, today it would mean absolute chaos and disaster. 35 years ago, you never heard of cell phones, now many people can’t successfully run their businesses without one!


In today’s America, it’s literally impossible to remain anonymous. The very second you wereborn; it was recorded and filed in public records with government agencies. Eventually you will become a part of this system that will control what you buy or sell, where you live, how much energy you consume and everyone you communicate with. It’s next to impossible to live “off the grid” these days. If you own land, have a social securitynumber, driver’s license, a job, an address, have health insurance, use credit cards, pay taxes or utilities… you are already plugged into the system and eventually, you will be made to comply with the government’s demands. I don’t mean to imply that technology is used only for evil; indeed, technology has given us the ability to share the gospel on a much broader scale. It has given us a host of other good purposes as well but in essence, technology has brought us; the inability to remain anonymous and free in an ever intruding world.




You may think there was a time when we could count on the media to report the true facts about local and global events; but have we everwitnessed reality through the media? Even today’s supposed “reality” television shows are scripted presentations; as are the evening news programs we watch. We see only that which they want us to see. Digital media has been a very enticing technology, since the days of its beginning, and now via the World Wide Web, deceptions have accelerated at a blinding speed. With digital media producing hi-def movies, spinning world news,launching social networks and blogospheres, the information age has left its adolescence.


One would think with all this technology we should have a better grip on the reality of current events, but just the opposite is true; the deception is greater. Am I saying everything we hear from the media is a lie? No, but things are not as they seem, it’s all been planned, scripted, edited and then produced in the way they want you to see it.The truth is out there somewhere, but few take the time to dig through the cyber cesspool of deception to attain it. All media sources are slanted one way or another. It’s blatantly obvious, the mainstream news media has chosen to support the politically correct liberal movement and all of their supposed “reporting” proves it. Furthermore, while America continues to spiral downward, our mainstream media is filling their air time with insignificant programming; things like, home make-over’s, petty reality shows and “how to make Halloween costumes for your pets. These are themes I’ve actually seen several times on morning news shows. Bear in mind, this is amidst the most scandalous, corrupt government I’ve ever seen; it’s not like the media has a lack of material to report on. As we are teetering on the brink of disaster, at least we can count on the media to make sure we will be entertained as we sink lower and lower into the quagmire.


If you don’t believe we see only that which they want us to see, consider this: Last week (on 9-11)in Washington DC they held an event called “The Million Muslim March”. Pretty much at the spur of the moment, American bikers around the nation set a goal for 2 million bikers to show their patriotism on this momentous date, by riding to WashingtonDC. The Million Muslim March turned out to be pretty much a dud, with only a few thousand showing up. However, an estimated 800,000 to 1 Million bikers showed up in Washington DC flying American flags and revving their motors. It was a historic moment. The streets were filled with motorcycles full breadth for over a mile.Policemen saluted and waved them on, 100s of thousands of people watched in amazement but…It never made the news! I’ve heard reports that even traffic cams were altered, not to show any such traffic in Washington DC on 9-11-13!


In Part III of this series we’ll take a look at our education system. The strong delusion of the last days has reached epidemic proportions as it hasinfiltrated our schools and universities. How clever of the enemy to insure control of the next generation. Liberalism, technology, media and education; all are being used by Satan to spread delusion and yet only a few will perceive this cunning maneuver.


“…difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Mt. 7:14b).


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