The Leaven of Liberalism - Author's Note

Author’s Note

Today in America, 70% to 80% of our nation claims to be Christian. This book is written to you. Because the direction of our great nation hardly reflects this statistic, I have spent a great deal of time trying to unravel this mystery. I have concluded either a great deal of these people merely call themselves Christians but don’t really know Christian doctrine, or many of them embrace a form of liberal Christianity. If indeed you are one of the 70% to 80% who claim to be Christian, I urge you to open up your heart as you read this work. It’s time for you to make some decisions, decisions you have been putting off far too long.

Whether you are aware of it or not, there is a philosophy of liberalism that is destroying our nation. Liberalism has corrupted our political system, spread to our education system, risen in our justice system and infiltrated our churches. If we don’t become aware of this transformation and do something about it, quickly, the America we all know and love will be long gone. Is it too late?

I realize politics and religion are boring and taboo to most of you, but the truth is; if you, as average Americans, don’t begin to learn about these two vital issues, the political “elites” are going to steal your country right out from under your noses. They think the average American is too dumb to figure this out. The liberals have become very bold over the last two decades, even to the point of redefining our government, our laws, our schools, and our sacred institutions. In my opinion, average Americans are too uncaring or uninformed to comprehend this power grab, but I am hoping you, the average “Christian professing” American will prove me wrong.

I’m just an average blue collar guy who dropped out of high school and spent the last 35 years busting my tail trying to make ends meet. Its people like me, like you, who make up the majority of the working class in America. Therefore, please read and begin to take charge of the direction of your great nation. Thank you.


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