"The Leaven of Liberalism" Part 1 The Sin Problem
For the next few weeks, I want to share with you some excerpts from my book "The Leaven of Liberalism." These excerpts were taken from chapter 2 titled: "The Sin Problem." As I make the finishing touches on editing and revisions, I plan to make all my books available in the next few months.
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…” (Jn. 10:10).
Just in case you don’t know who Jesus is speaking of in the above Scripture, He’s talking about the devil. Satan is the enemy of God and he is the number one enemy of every human being who ever existed. Jesus made Satan’s agenda abundantly clear, the enemy comes only to kill, steal, and destroy. He rebelled against God and brought sin into the world. The horrendous problems we are experiencing in the world today can be summed up in one word—sin. Long before the first man fell, Lucifer stumbled down that same path. Consequently, he was cast down from heaven along with one third of the angels, to an unsuspecting earthling named Adam. Even though man fell into sin, God continued to love him and make covenants with him and his descendants. Those covenants lead us to Jesus Christ, who is the answer to the sin problem.
Since the days of Adam, to the present, sin remains in the world. Upon its entrance into the world, sin brought with it, death, decay, destruction and every evil you can think of. Because Adam was overtaken by sin, all of his descendants were born into sin. The doctrine of the depravity of man is a basic and yet essential truth we must recognize.
“For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.” (Ps. 51:3, 5).
Now, if you don’t believe that, perhaps you can tell me how children acquire the ability to deceive as soon as they learn to talk? A child doesn’t have to learn to lie; it’s built into their DNA. Without this truth, we are not likely to humble ourselves and turn back to God. What will happen is this; as we begin to stumble over our short-comings, man will attempt to fix the sin problem with mere human intellect, psychology and the passing of new laws, thereby, justifying the depravity of man. The world is drowning in sin. Apart from this knowledge and understanding, we will defy God and labor in vain to do that which is right in the sight of God.
Few would deny we have a sin problem in the world, yet today it seems man and/or government has tried to fix the sin problem through vain philosophy and modern psychology. Let me tell you now, it’s a losing battle. It doesn’t’ take much sense to look back and figure out where we began to go wrong here in America . Even an uneducated fool such as me can see where it all started.
Removing God from our schools and national heritage: In 1963, Madalyn Murray O’Hair won a lawsuit against the Baltimore School System, which voted in her favor 8-1 to ban school prayer and label it “unconstitutional”. Through the process of time, almost all school prayer has been banned today. Madalyn Murray O’Hair was an atheist activist who founded the organization American Atheists. In 1995 she was kidnapped and murdered, along with her son and granddaughter. Perhaps it’s more than coincidence that around the same time God’s hedge of blessing and protection was beginning to lift, Mrs. O’Hair found her own blessings and protection come to an abrupt end.
Legalizing abortion: In 1973, the United States Supreme Court ruled to legalize abortion as a result of Roe vs. Wade. By so doing, our Justice’s played the role of God in determining for their selves, when life begins. The Bible clearly states; life begins at conception. As the Word of the LORD came to the prophet Jeremiah, God told the prophet He knew him even before he was conceived in the womb.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” (Jer. 1:5).
The murder of innocent infants has always brought the judgment of God. Over 50 million infants have been mercilessly slaughtered in America . How many great men and women have we lost? How many great doctor’s and national, Godly leaders have we aborted as a result of this insanity?
Norma Leah McCorvey, better known as “Jane Roe” was the plaintiff in Roe vs. Wade. At the age of 16 she married Woody McCorvey but left him shortly after due to his abuse. She moved in with her mother and gave birth to her first daughter, Cheryl, in 1965. The following year she became pregnant and gave birth to a baby that was given up for adoption. She then returned to live with her mother at which time she expressed she was sexually attracted to women. Her mother disowned her and took custody of her daughter, Cheryl. At the age of 21, she became pregnant a third time. With little income and facing hard times, her friends advised her to tell the authorities she was raped. Due to the Pro-Life laws in Texas at that time, it was the only way she could terminate the pregnancy. However, due to a lack of evidence and documentation, she was denied that “right”. Ironically, the plaintiff who won the battle for abortion ended up having her child anyway.
She was nothing more than a pawn, used by ambitious, liberal lawyers to further their own selfish agendas. McCorvey later regretted the whole ordeal as she began to see that indeed, life does begin at conception. She converted to Catholicism and today works to overturn the Roe vs. Wade decision. She is a prime example of how we may be manipulated by liberalism if we don’t take the time to inform ourselves, and stay rooted in the loving grace of God.
Tolerating homosexuality: The late 60s and early 70s is when the homosexual movement began to “come out of the closet”. It was around this time that a few people began to voice their opinion publicly, in an effort to remove the social stigma attached to homosexuality. It was in the 60s when Frank Kameny was fired from his job as an astronomer for the Army Map service for homosexual behavior. He appealed all the way to the U. S. Supreme Court. This leaven has continued to rise until today, in America , we have states ruling in favor of all sorts of gay rights, including gay marriage. Even one of our Supreme Court Justices is a lesbian!
The toleration of these abominations was the beginning of “woes” for America . Its taken 45-50 years (a generation) but today we are seeing the result of our decisions. God’s hedge of blessing and protection is deteriorating and we are becoming more and more vulnerable to the attacks of our enemies. If we could see these things for what they are i.e., sin, there would be hope. However, we’ve gone the way of Israel , just prior to the Assyrian invasion. Rather than turning from these sinful practices, we’ve written them into our laws, thus, finding a way to justify our sins. That’s what liberalism does; while refusing to recognize the depravity of man, it justifies sin as it promotes godlessness.
Yet still, the fact remains, sin has permeated every nook and cranny of our world, its in our children, our parents, our music, our employers, our justice system, our education system, our government and yes, its in our churches too. The thing we need to understand about sin is it’s passed down through our DNA and therefore, rooted in the identity of one’s self. To add fuel to the fire, because of our sin-nature, the very act of sinning may feel perfectly natural. Yet, apart from God, we are simply lost without hope. A nation who refuses to acknowledge this fact will begin to tolerate every godless sin present within its society.
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