"The Leaven of Liberalism" Part 3 Origins of Liberalism

In part 3 of the series "The Leaven of Liberalism" I want to share with you another excerpt titled: "Origins of Liberalism". To begin with part 1 go to "The Sin Problem" link on my home page.

In part 2 we saw the fallacy of liberalism, in that it cannot produce the promised result. Yet, liberalism continues to grow in America which tells me there is a grand delusion sweeping our nation. The more liberal ideas we embrace and implement into our society, the further we drift away from God. Here in part 3 we'll look into the origin of this vicious leaven.

Origins of Liberalism

The sin problem can be traced all the way back to the Garden of Eden. To think man can do anything to fix it is absurd. Besides, Jesus Christ has already taken the sins of the world and it’s punishment upon Himself when He died on the cross and rose again. Any society that keeps His commandments will prosper in His hedge of blessing and protection.

Since modern liberalism discriminates against biblical Christianity, one may conclude its origins are satanic. After all, we see liberals using the same tactics which Satan used to deceive Eve in the Garden of Eden; demonize your opponent. Satan’s strategy was to cause Eve to doubt God’s word and God’s goodness, he accomplished this by asking: “Did God really say…?” and “God knows when you eat the fruit, you’ll be like Him and He doesn’t want that…” (the lesser becoming equal to the greater). That’s exactly what liberal theology is all about, they say, “God didn’t really say that…the Bible isn’t the actual word of God…” This is why liberal theology works so well for liberals like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, both claiming to be Christians while their liberal beliefs contradict their own church’s doctrine. In their pride they justify their foolish thoughts by saying “The Bible doesn’t really say this or mean that…” even when their own Pope says it does!  

I suppose we could call Lucifer the first liberal. Before you laugh, hear me out. Any philosophy that denies or contradicts the truth of God’s Word; is rooted in the same evil which confronted Eve in the Garden of Eden. The apostle Paul faced the same liberal theology we see today, here we see him express his concerns to the church at Corinth:

“…I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ…if you receive a different…gospel…you may well put up with it.” (II Cor. 11:3, 4).

The Corinthian Church began to make allowances for a number of sins. They were divided and deluded by carnality and false doctrine. They had embraced teachings which contradicted the apostolic teaching. These alterations in doctrine were liberal interpretations of scripture which justified a number of sins, such as; divisions, incest, lawsuits, fornication and idolatry. All this was addressed in the apostle Paul's 1st letter to the Church at Corinth. If liberal theology is not immediately rejected as it is presented, the church will begin to tolerate it.

In short, Lucifer’s original sin was an act of pride. He chose to pursue his own interests above God’s. Satan found it necessary to defy the constitution which God had ordained. As a result, he, being the “lesser” began to feel he should be equal to God the “greater”. The Bible tells us in the book of Isaiah:

How you have fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground. You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’ “ (Is. 14:12-14).

 Whenever the leadership of a society chooses this same path it is the beginning of the end for that civilization. I’m sad to say that I see America treading that same path. We have become proud and arrogant, defying the principles of God. We believe that by the use of psychology and the passing of laws, we can work righteousness. We have ignored the calls for repentance from the church (as broken as she is). So now, here we are, America; a nation which fails to condemn sin. Instead, we write laws which justify our sins, thus, equating ourselves with God. While our leaders in government claim to believe in God and swear an oath in His name to serve America, the fruits of their legislative labors prove their claims are merely pious rhetoric.

Yes, the origins of liberalism go all the way back to the original sin of Satan’s rebellion against God. We see it in the Garden of Eden, we see it all through the Scriptures, and still today, it’s alive and thriving in America.


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