"The Leaven of Liberalism" Part 3 Origins of Liberalism
In part 3 of the series "The Leaven of Liberalism" I want to share with you another excerpt titled: "Origins of Liberalism". To begin with part 1 go to "The Sin Problem" link on my home page. In part 2 we saw the fallacy of liberalism, in that it cannot produce the promised result. Yet, liberalism continues to grow in America which tells me there is a grand delusion sweeping our nation. The more liberal ideas we embrace and implement into our society, the further we drift away from God. Here in part 3 we'll look into the origin of this vicious leaven. Origins of Liberalism The sin problem can be traced all the way back to the Garden of Eden. To think man can do anything to fix it is absurd. Besides, Jesus Christ has already taken the sins of the world and it’s punishment upon Himself when He died on the cross and rose again. Any society that keeps His commandments will prosper in His hedge of blessing and protection. Since modern liberalism...