A Few Pointers to Biblical Interpretation Next week we will begin to look at the parables of Matthew Chapter 13. But first I want to explain some things about the Prophetic Word. When we attempt to interpret Scripture, there are a couple of simple guidelines we all must follow. Context: When a passage of Scripture is taken out of context, it can take on a completely different meaning than what the author intended. Therefore, it is important to remember who it is the passage is written to. What is the subject matter just before and just after the passage of Scripture you are reading? Subject Matter: What does the Bible say elsewhere about the subject matter you are engaging? There is a rule of interpretation called "the law of first mention". In other words, the first time the Bible mentions a subject, typically, is how it is used elsewhere in Scripture. As we get in to parabolic interpretation next week, I will remind you of this rule! Layers of Scripture ...
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