Now is the Time

A lot has happened since my last blog entry. In fact, too much to go into, but let me just say I feel an urgency. An urgency, I might add, which seems to be missing from the pulpits of most churches. I think most Christians and certainly, most Preachers/Pastors would agree; we are living in the last days. Yet, I don't hear the kind of preaching from the church pulpits that echo this urgency. I don't see the holy fire falling on desperate, hungry hearts who will not be satisfied by anything short of revival and another great awakening.

"Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the LORD is coming..." (Joel 2:1, 2)

It seems to me, this is all I've been hearing from the Holy Spirit. "Sound the alarm!" "The time is short, the people must get ready!" This urgency is laced into every message I have preached for the past couple of years.

If we truly believe these are the last of the last days, we would be doing everything in our power to prepare for the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is coming soon.

I had a dream/vision from the Lord a few months ago. It came along with many other visions and dreams during a season of intense prayer and seeking the Father for guidance and direction for this new season of ministry. In this particular vision I was taken in the spirit to a large room. There were many long tables, draped with white table cloths and silverware. They were adorned with beautiful decor. There were many servants running to and fro, making final touches to each setting. I knew in my spirit this was a banquet room, yet I asked the Lord "What is this place?"

He replied to me "This is My banquet room, all things are ready, now go and tell my people all things have been prepared, come to the wedding banquet."

I then woke up and I knew it was the Lord telling me to get ready. People, the time is now to trim your lamps and get ready for His return. For he who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the church "...arise, for the Bridegroom is coming!"


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