The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room


America has a wound which has festered; it has festered because of mere neglect. Initially, the wound was superficial, it would have healed quickly and painlessly had we began treating the wound so infection wouldn’t set in. But we chose to ignore our wound; we occupied ourselves with the task of making America a better place for all. In so doing, we came to an opposite conclusion; no one seems to be happy with the America they live in. That’s where compromise and tolerance has brought us; to a place in which no one is fully satisfied, a divided nation, pandering to the whims of the masses.


America’s dilemma is so colossal yet seemingly invisible, like the proverbial elephant sitting in the room that no one seems to acknowledgeAmerica is on the fast track to failure. Meanwhile, the hot issues being portrayed by the media, the political posturing, demonizing and finger pointing; all fail to point out the real issue we are facing. It is an issue which every living human being is going to have to face sooner or later; that is the issue ofliberty versus complete government control.Eventually, this will end up being a spiritualchoice; to worship, and pledge allegiance, to either Christ, or the ruler of the New World Order. One may think this sounds like a bit of an exaggeration, but I assure you, it’s the truth and if you bear with me, I will prove itAmerica’s dilemma is quite simple, she has turned her back on the God of the Bible—that’s the dilemma!


I’m really tired of listening to the pundits squabble over policies, positions and principles. These pundits say: this group is going to have to compromise with the other side, or, compromise is how things get done in Washington but I’m thinking to myself, there’s nothing left to compromise except my personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and that’s not going to happen. As a born-again Christian, I lost my America a long time ago and to be quite honest with you, I don’t see any indication of things turning around.


So what am I saying? Is America doomed? Will she fall? My answer to those questions is a resounding: “yes, if we don’t repent and turn back to God.” When there is an enemy who seeks to destroy, the last thing that enemy wants is for the opposition to expose the truth which leads to the root of the problem. This is precisely what Satan has done; he’s managed to get our nation’s leadership to focus on worldly solutions to a spiritual problem. He’s managed to keep them squabbling over politics and injustice and racism instead of focusing on our desperate need for divine repentance, forgiveness and guidance. Any politician who stands up for true Christian values is quickly deemed an extremist, an intolerant hater; therefore, they dare not mention the Bible, or Jesus Christ, not if they want to get re-elected. As a result, we (Christians) just keep silent.


My proof of America’s demise will not be something disclosed in this post, not at this moment anyway; my proof of this truth will be seen in the future. I dare say the not too distant future…perhaps the next 3-5 years. Believe me; I hope I am wrong; I would rather look like a paranoid, over zealous idiot, than to be correct in my views. But if I am correct, America is on the fast track to destruction and it will become evident within the next 3-5 years. I do not claim this to be a prophecy or something God told me, I am merely looking at the signs of the times which are written in the Bible about the end days, and coming to a logical conclusion based on the evidence around me.


This is not to say that Christ couldn’t return at any moment; indeed, I’m looking up even as I write this post. The events describing the coming apocalypse are diverse and mysterious, the timing of Christ’s return and the events surrounding that coming are hard to put in precise order, yet one thing is certain; all the signs point to the same event; Jesus Christ is coming, and it appears it could be very soon. All the economic uncertainty,social chaos and political tensions are designed to do one thing and one thing only; keep our eyes off the real problem. We live in a nation that has been backsliding for decades now. We’ve been putting our faith in elected officials and their ideals to show us the blessed life. It hasn’t worked, it will never work. It will never work because God is the One who gives people a blessed life; not money, government, mankind or any of his devices. Only God can bring true blessing and peace to us and we’ve turned our backs on Him. It’s not even up for debate anymore; no one wants to hear about repenting, everyone’s too busy with their own self interests. Besides, the enemy has erected a wall between “church and state” so that we must not allow our elected officials to govern according to their own inward witness of Christian values.


Thus, we come to the root of America’s festering wound, apostasy! The colossal dilemma which we refuse to acknowledge, the wound which has left us with an infection too far advanced for mankind to heal. At this point, America could put Abe Lincoln back in the White House, but it wouldn’t address the problem. The problem is not political agendas or legal reforms; the problem is a corrupt culture. You can’t just change culture with the election of a new President. It took America several decades to regress into the culture of corruption she has reached. Our schools and universities are infected with liberalism, our legal system has been corrupted with injustice, our government with political correctness and our churches have departed from traditional, fundamental Christian doctrine. We have become a society which calls that which is evil good and that which is good, evil. Meanwhile, everyone is too busy wrapped up in their own little world of self to poke their head out a see what’s going on, no one seems to care.


How are we going to change that? Certainly not a new face in the White House will make that kind of change. Are we going to change the curriculum in our schools and universities? Can we deprogram the minds which have majored in this secular humanistic education? Can we expect justice to rise up overnight and crush the corruption in our legal system? Can we remove the leaven of liberalism from our government and churches? Only through repentance can America be saved. So where does that leave us today? You make the choice, considering the words of Christ, may leave you more pessimistic than optimistic. Jesus told us that many would take the wide path that leads to destruction, only a few would tread the narrow path which leads to life; only a few would find it (Mt. 7:13, 14). He also said many would be deceived in the last days, even some of those looking for His return (Mt. 24:21-26). Jesus also said many will say to Him on the last day “…Lord don’t you know us? We did many things for You and in Your name!” But He will tell them “…I never knew you.” (My paraphrase-Mt. 7:21-23).Jesus also said “Many are called, few are chosen.” This theme of the “many” vs. the “few” is quite common in the language of Christ. Repentance is not likely for the “many” because Jesus told us it’s not going to work out that way, there will be far more doubters and scoffers in the last days than true believers. You make the choice, if you’re a believer, do you really think the many elected officials in America are going to just wake up and turn to God? Do you really think even many, many more of America’s citizens are going to wake up and lament in repentance for their sin’s and thesins of this nation? Maybe a few, but not many, the fact is, America is moving away from God, not towards Him, which leaves our future looking pretty bleak.


So, there you have it in a nutshell, America’s dilemma; apostasy, the elephant in the room which no one acknowledges. The festering wound which has become severely infected, a nation who’s cup is full and spilling over with corruption and decadence. America has made her choice, there’s nothing left but to walk out our destiny and discover the wrath of God’s judgment. Wake up America, repent and rest in the blessing and grace of God through the blood of Jesus Christ, or suffer His wrath and watch your nation crumble to pieces. You can ignore it all you want, but the time is running out for you to turn from your wickedness.


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