Strong Delusion Series

The Strong Delusion

In the Last Days

Part I


“The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they may believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

                                                                                              (II Thes. 2:9-12).


Is there any doubt we are living in the last days? Every Bible believing Christian would surely answer “…no doubt about it.”  Hollywood seems to be enamored with “Last Day” themes, Armageddon type scenarios and post apocalyptic presentations. Various religions and cults are watching the world’s current events and the signs in the heavens with a vigilant eye. Even the secular citizens of this fallen planet listen to the prophetic chatter with a curious interest. I think it’s safe to say, many people in America and around the world are looking to the days ahead in expectation of some significant event looming on tomorrow’s horizon.


Interestingly enough, in the coming two years, the world is going to experience four, particularly rare “Blood Moons.” These Blood Moons appear synonymously with various Feast days in the Bible. They always act as harbingers to major biblical prophetic events; such as the crucifixion of Christ and various other judgments. I do not intend to write of these Blood Moons here but I thought it useful to bring up, I believe the world will see some very interesting things begin to unfold in the next couple of years. Considering the signs of the times, I myself, am experiencing a great sense of urgency. A sense of urgency, which I must admit, seems to be grossly lacking in the church today. But I am not here to criticize the church or any other religious organization. I am here to warn. I am here to declare with an urgent cry “beware of the strong delusion in these last days.”


Although our prophetic eyes are (and should always be) trained on the nation Israel, I want to begin with the signs of the times we are seeing right here in America. In these last days, there is going to be such a strong delusion drawing the masses into perdition, only those who are truly born again will be able to perceive it. Let me just give you a couple of Scriptures to verify what I am saying.


“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Jn. 3:3

The “significant event” looming on the horizon is the 2nd coming of Christ and His Kingdom. The above words of Christ tell us we must be born again or we will not see the kingdom of God coming. The apostle Paul confirms this truth as he wrote to the Church at Corinth.


“…the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him: nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” ( I Cor. 2:14).


In these last days it is mandatory; unless you are born again, you will fall into the deception which will cover the whole earth. Not only will you disbelieve the Scriptures, you will consider them mere foolishness. We are watching prophecy come to pass before our very eyes at an alarming rate. Signs, wonders and harbingers are ever present. The one world monetary system is already knocking on our door. Facial recognition technology and biometric technologies are gearing up as I write this post. A one world religion is quietly emerging as inflation rises and financial collapse is merely one disaster away. Let’s look at another Scripture which will confirm, yet again, the need to be born again in order to escape the strong delusion of the last days on earth as we know it. Before Christ returns, we will see the rise of the antichrist and the false prophet. The false prophet will deceive everyone who is not born again into worshipping the beast. (Rev. 13:11-18).


“It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation. All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”

                                                                                                    (Rev. 13:7, 8).


The Scriptures leave us no doubt, “…all who dwell on the earth will worship him (the antichrist), whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life…” Now is not the time to be far away from God. There is a sense of change all around us and we as Christians know what that change is going to bring; tribulation, chaos, trials of faith, persecution and death. This change is going to usher in complete governmental control, globally. Let me take it a step further, not only is being born again a prerequisite to see truth, but one could argue the need to be Spirit-Filled as mandatory in order to see truth amidst the strong delusion of the last days. Since that topic is the source of many doctrinal differences, I’m not going to chase that rabbit in this post. But let me say this: Just because one is born again does not mean they are spiritually minded people, judging spiritual things and perceiving the signs of the times. Many born again Christians are totally, fleshly minded and unable to digest deep spiritual truths (I Cor. 2:1-3:5). The strong delusion of the last days is going to appeal to one’s flesh in a very convincing, and enticing way. Quite frankly, its going to take more than a simple declaration of one’s beliefs in order to overcome, it’s going to mean life or death for many believers as they face the rising power of the antichrist’s one world system, a system I might add, which is being built right under our noses. We may very well see the effects of this system being implemented months or even years before the tribulation begins. In my humble opinion, we are already seeing it (as I will soon explain). But, sooner or later everyone is going to be faced with a decision, to follow Christ or deny him in order to keep your way of life; and you can bet there is going to be strong delusion all around as you are forced to prove how dedicated to Christ you really are. This is certainly no time to be a carnal Christian.


I have always been a pre-tribulationist and that is still my hope, but what if the rapture takes place in the middle of the tribulation, or just before the end? Wouldn’t that make a difference in how you plan to deal with things? Wouldn’t it be nice if one knew ahead of time they may possibly face financial ruin, lawlessness, starvation or even death? What better way to deceive a believer than to let them think they don’t have to give a moments thought as to how they will deal with the coming chaos?  


Further more, if believers were not going to experience any of the tribulation, why would Jesus say…“Take heed that you not be deceived. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time has drawn near.’  Therefore do not go after them.” (Lk. 21:8.)



And again: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” (Mt.24:5).


Remember, I am hoping for a pre tribulation rapture, but I can’t help but wonder; if all the Christians are gone during the tribulation, who is left to witness? Of course, there will be the 144,000 sealed from the twelve tribes of Israel and the Two Witnesses. But if we take these passages literally, we are left with 144,000 Jewish witnesses who know little to nothing about the mature Christian way, and Two Prophets who prophesy in Jerusalem. Throw into that mix, a bunch of new converts who, somehow, get saved during the tribulation, who would be novice at best. I’m not saying that won’t happen, fact is; when considering the timing of the rapture, there is a good argument on both sides. I’m just trying to get you to think outside the box.


Setting that debate aside completely, what if things got really bad here in America before the tribulation begins? As I have already stated; we may very well see the effects of this (antichrist) system being implemented months or even years before the tribulation begins. Things could get really bad in America, much worse than you ever imagined. You see, in America we have not suffered persecution against Christianity like they have in other places around the world. However, today, we are seeing the early results of Christian persecution here, which began to rear its ugly head back in the 60’s. We have slowly taken God out of our government, schools, families and now, even our churches via, liberalism neo-paganism and progressive ideology. Not only are true Christians becoming scarcer in the U.S., those who remain are targeted as ignorant, extremists and haters. These changes to the fabric of our society stand as fore-shadows which substantiate the initiation of the system of the beast. In the last days (it is written) there will come a great falling away before the antichrist is revealed.


Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition…” (II Thes. 2:3).


  Again, here is a warning to believers, concerning the 2nd coming of Christ; not to fall into the strong delusion of the end days. We are seeing this great apostasy all around us, churches everywhere from every denomination, departing from fundamental Christian doctrines, deceiving and being deceived. Even the American populous which used to claim to believe, but never attended church, are now fleeing from Christianity, or embrace their own “form” of Christianity. It is interesting that in the above verse, Paul list’s two things which must first come to pass before the days of the great tribulation, and one of them is already happening (the great apostasy). The only thing left is the revealing of the man of sin.


In order to understand what is going on in these perilous times, not only must one be born again, but one must also be aware of political world events, as well as have a good understanding of the Bible. Politics and religion, two things the majority of people consider taboo. How convenient for the enemy to so easily dupe the masses. If these all important issues have been branded as “taboo”, no one will dare talk about them without tensions and tempers running high. I have experienced this many times over in the last few years.

Our current President has been at the center of more controversy and scandal than I can recall ever before in all the presidencies combined. Yet there seems to be a serious lack of concern among the American media and public. The United States Government continues to move toward the globalization of a One World Government, or a “…New World Order” and no one seems to be concerned about it, or even aware of it. To me, this is more proof that there is a spiritual force at work here, blinding the masses from the truth. This is bigger than manifestations of persecution, it’s bigger than corrupt politicians, and it’s bigger than The President of the United States or any other human figure. To pull off a deception and spiritual blindness of this magnitude, takes a powerful spiritual force at work behind the scenes. Satan is putting the final touches on his grand scheme. The enemy will be granted the authority to make war against the saints, and to prevail, as I have written above (Rev. 13:7).


Imagine an America that has fallen, if you don’t think that is possible, think again. What if a terrorist attack took out the eastern sea board or a nuclear attack knocked out our power grid and devastated our financial institutions? What if the dollar was no longer the world’s currency? What if your local grocery store had been depleted of stock and ransacked many times over, you are running low on food and water, and people are going crazy everywhere around you. It’s a daily struggle just to keep your family safe and hang on to what little you may have left. You see, the fact is; we aren’t far away from any one of those scenarios. We are teetering on the edge of disaster and should it come tomorrow; your money would be worthless. Things like, guns, ammo, fuel, fresh food, water and other commodities would be the only things of great value. There would be lawlessness, people running around panic driven, starving and desperate, criminals and rapists plundering and violating anyone in sight. All this is possible and could happen a year or two before the tribulation. Perhaps events such as these in America and around the world would serve as the perfect scenario to usher in the reign of the antichrist. After all, amidst such chaos, martial law would have to be enforced and from there the end begins.


Deception is Subtle


One may ask: How is this possible? How can a Christian be deceived into siding with the system of the Beast? I have already posted several articles on Liberalism, which is a big tool the enemy has used to implement his latter day plans. I would suggest you study those posts, because this will point out that aspect of the delusion we are facing today, not only in the church, but our society as a whole has been permeated by this vicious leaven.


The strong delusion in these last days will overcome many professing believers. We know this because Jesus said: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” (Mt.24:5). That’s how strong the delusion will be, many, not a few, will fall into the deception. These are people who will be looking for the return of Christ and many of them will be deceived. Remember when Peter denied Christ, not once, but three times? And this was after he was warned about it form Jesus Himself! Consider also, that Peter wasn’t facing the strong delusion present in these last days. We all like to think we would be willing to go to jail or even die for our Savior, but the truth is; you never know until you are facing that situation, as to how you would react. Peter learned his profession of faith was presumptuous, you and I today, have the added “strong delusion” to deal with above that, are you absolutely sure you are ready to give up the comforts of life for Christ? Are you certain you are willing to become a fugitive for His name’s sake? Remember, without the mark of the beast, you will not be able to buy or sell anything, you won’t be able to work or do anything involving the internet, chat/visit with friends etc. All of this could easily happen, even before the tribulation begins because, setting up this one world system is not going to occur overnight. That system has been under construction for millennia. It began to manifest here in America with social security numbers and driver’s licenses etc. Today, it’s near its completion; this system we see today which gathers meta-data on every living person, their possessions, their purchasing preferences and privacy, is the same system that will be used by the antichrist to track and control the global population.


Bear in mind, every ideology or strategy intended for the betterment of any given society comes from one of two possible sources. Either it comes from God, or Satan, period. God is the Father of Truth; Satan is the father of lies. The same is true for every thought we think, every vote we cast, every motive of mans heart; all comply with either God’s truth, or Satan’s lies. Many Christians today are supporting things which (subtle as they may be) move us toward the system of the antichrist. For instance, the Green movement sounds like a good thing, even a godly thing to do; be good stewards with earth’s resources, look for clean energy, strive to make eco-friendly products etc… But, the problem is; there is much, much more to the green agenda than meets the eye. Going green is going to take the most advanced technology in the world today, the same technology which will track and control every aspect of our daily lives. This green agenda is not just a business; it’s a multi-billion dollar industry! If you think “we the people” can merely wake up one day and vote to change this agenda, you are already deceived. The world’s most powerful, influential industries have already invested billions in this program and there is no way they are going to just take the loss and start anew.


Let me show you how subtle the deception really is. I’ve heard they are discontinuing the production of the incandescent light bulb. It may not sound like much, but it is yet another liberty in which we are being deprived of… i.e.; the freedom to choose what kind of light bulbs we want to buy for our homes. Soon, every light bulb will be CFL’s and they are way more expensive. But, let’s all do our duty and conform to this cause, after all, it is for the betterment of society as a whole, right? Remember, deception is very subtle, this is a small thing; I feel silly even mentioning CFL bulbs in context of the strong delusion in these last days. I doubt we’re going to see people marching in the streets, carrying signs and demanding their right to buy what ever kind of light bulb they want. But as you are about to see, everything is tied together, one thing leads to another, the reason for this is because the green agenda reaches into nearly every aspect of daily human living; from the light bulbs we are allowed to purchase, to how cool or warm we keep our homes, even what type of car we drive and how much fuel it burns. We’ve already been forced to wean ourselves off of leaded fuel, automobile manufacturers have already been regulated and forced to comply with a host of ever changing emission standards, all for the cause of a cleaner, better world. This brave new world which is emerging right under our noses has duped the masses into believing they are “doing their part” in making the world a safer, cleaner and better place. Furthermore, if we don’t participate in this cause, we are accused of being selfish and uncaring about the world’s delicate climate. This is not just an American movement, it’s a global movement. Actually, America is considered by Europe, to be lagging in our efforts to go green. And if you’ve ever read the Green Party Platform or Agenda 21, there is no doubt we are headed for a global society. These agendas are supported by many of our nation’s leaders. The entire purpose of the Department of Energy is to take America into the green age. National and global industries are on board too.


One of the latest issues we seem to be facing today, concerning this green agenda, is the smart meter controversy. Utility companies across the nation and around the world are installing smart meters on all their customers’ residences or places of business. The controversy over these devices has two sides to it. First, there are claims of health problems to people who are sensitive to the radio frequency radiation (RFR) or electromagnetic fields (EMF) which these devices emit. This is a serious issue, but not one I want to discuss here. I will say this; if indeed there is even the slightest chance these smart meters are causing a risk to human health, the project should have been scrapped from the beginning. However, local utility companies across the nation have already invested millions of dollars implementing this smart grid program and they are not about to be dissuaded by anyone, not without a fight, you can count on that.


The other side to this controversy has to do with government or state control. These smart meters are devices which communicate back and forth from customer to utility company. The claim made by smart meter manufacturers and utility companies is; these devices will enable utility customers to save money by monitoring and/or adjusting peak usage hours. Customers will have the ability to control which hours their appliances and air conditioners will operate. Of course, you must own appliances with smart chips which can communicate with your smart meter. Likewise, there is a special thermostat for your heat and air unit which communicates with your smart meter as well. And guess what; the utility companies want to sell you these extra devices, so that you can enjoy the full benefits of having a smart meter on your home or place of business. If you don’t spend the extra money on these devices with smart chips, the smart meter does nothing at all to save you money. However, the utility companies save millions because of government subsidies and now have complete control over the power to your home or place of business. If you get behind on your bill, the utility company no longer has to pay a worker to come to your home and cut off your electricity or gas; all they have to do is flip a switch.


Beyond that, I think it is easy to see, we are merely one baby step away from state monitoring and control of how much energy we use. Most utility companies are monopolies which have zero competition; they can pretty much do what they want. In my state, Oklahoma, Oklahoma Gas & Electric (OG&E) powers most of the state. They have been facing opposition from concerned citizens who don’t want smart meters installed on their property. By OG&E’s own claims, they say everyone has to have a smart meter installed in order for the smart grid to work properly. However, other states have given their people the chance to “opt out” if they choose.


Utility companies across the nation have organized a coalition called Electric Power Industry (EPRI) which has strong political ties. They work with the Department of Energy (DOE) and are partly subsidized by them as well. Smart meter manufacturers also have strong political ties. General Electric is one of the largest manufacturers of smart meters, of course we know the CEO, Jeff Immelt chaired the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness under Barak Obama. Another smart meter manufacturer, ITRON, is not only one of the largest manufacturer’s of smart meters; they also lead the industry in data collection technology and software. They are a global company which “helps utilities measure, monitor and manage electricity, natural gas and water.”


Of course, all of the above mentioned companies are big supporters of the whole “green movement.” It’s not likely a few concerned citizens are going to be able to stop the smart meter industry anymore than they could stop the green movement. An interesting quote from Consumers Digest states: Despite the many objections…”It’s clear that smart meters won’t be ultimately stopped. Politicians and utility regulators have joined with the smart meter industry…”


The point of all this is not to demonize these or any other organizations, nor do I mean to implicate any of the mentioned persons or companies as to contributing to the functioning of the system which will be run by the antichrist. My point is to show you; we are just a heartbeat away from being controlled by this technology rather than benefitting from it.  The technology which will be used in the end time one world system is already here. If they can force us to buy only this or that; they have the power to allow us or deny us the ability to buy or sell. As I have already stated; the apostle Paul wrote there are two things which must happen before Christ returns; the great falling away and the revealing of the antichrist. We are already seeing the great apostasy taking place, the technology is already here which will run the system of the beast, the only thing missing is the “man of sin” to be revealed (II Thes. 2:3), who will use this technology to control a global population. It is moving forward with an unstoppable force. The strong delusion of these last days is already among us. I know smart meters and CFL bulbs are a far cry from the mark of the beast, but if you listen closely with your spiritual ears, you can hear it coming.


Keep your eyes on Israel and the world’s current events. Understand the times in which we are living and know He is coming soon; Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!!


In Part II of this series, we will look at some of the other ways through which Satan continues to deceive the masses and just how dependant we are on his devices. Beware of the Strong Delusion in these last days.



  1. Dear Man of God, Director and Founder of Living Stones Ministries, Holy Greetings To You in Christ Jesus Our Lord.

    I am A Servant of God from India, Your Writings are Wonderful.

    If it is God's Will, We Would like to have Fellowship With Your Ministries.

    We Pray for You, Please Pray for Us. If it is God's Will, Please Come to Visit Our Ministries.

    Thanking You,

    In HIM


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