
Showing posts from February, 2013

The Leaven of Liberalism - Chapter 1

I've decided, in order to give you a better idea of what this message is about, to post Chapter 1 in my book "The Leaven of Liberalism. This chapter gives my perspective on the issue. In order to study this subject in it's proper order, I suggest you begin with the "Author's Note" then read the Introduction, followed by Chapter 1. From there you may proceed to Part 1 and continue through to Part 5. Other Chapters in the book include: Chapter 3 "Divide and Conquer" Chapter 4 "Liberalism and the Great Apostasy" Chapter 5 "Can a Liberal be a Christian?" Chapter 6 "The Fruits of Liberalism" Chapter 7  "The Coming Judgment" Chapter 8 "The Fall of Liberalism" I plan to have a link to this book within a couple of months. I strongly suggest any interested readers on this blog to get a copy of this book and share it with your friends. Chapter 1 Perspective Since I am a born ag

The Leaven of Liberalism - Author's Note

Author’s Note Today in America , 70% to 80% of our nation claims to be Christian. This book is written to you. Because the direction of our great nation hardly reflects this statistic, I have spent a great deal of time trying to unravel this mystery. I have concluded either a great deal of these people merely call themselves Christians but don’t really know Christian doctrine, or many of them embrace a form of liberal Christianity. If indeed you are one of the 70% to 80% who claim to be Christian, I urge you to open up your heart as you read this work. It’s time for you to make some decisions, decisions you have been putting off far too long. Whether you are aware of it or not, there is a philosophy of liberalism that is destroying our nation. Liberalism has corrupted our political system, spread to our education system, risen in our justice system and infiltrated our churches. If we don’t become aware of this transformation and do something about it, quickly, the America we

The Leaven of Liberalism - Introduction

I Thought it might be beneficial to post the Introduction of my book, The Leaven of Liberalism, in order to give you a better idea of what the message is all about. This book is written to the 70 - 80% of people in America who still claim to be Christian. Obviously, the direction of our nation does not reflect this statistic. I believe the reason for this is because of the "strong delusion" of the last days which the apostle Paul wrote about in his second letter to the church at Thessolonica. He is speaking in this context of the coming of the anti-christ, during which time will be great and powerful "signs and lying wonders and unrighteous deception" as the lawless one comes to power (II Thes. 2:7-12). I believe liberalism plays a great part in Satan's strategy as he plots for the battle of the final days. This is not a time for believers to be uncertain or uncaring about their faith. These are days full of temptation, decay, and mass deception. These are

"The Leaven of Liberalism" Part 5 A Spiritual Remedy for a Spiritual Problem

A Spiritual Remedy for a Spiritual Problem The Bible speaks of a war going on in a realm we cannot see, it’s a spiritual warfare. Satan is at the center of this spiritual battle, and he has many victories under his belt. His weapons are specifically designed to target every weakness we have in the sin-nature. His tactics haven’t changed since he first tempted Eve. He appeals to our pride, feeds our fleshly lusts, annoyingly pricks our patience, provoking us to anger and he always offers the easy way out by allowing us to justify our sins. He raises doubts in our minds about the goodness of God and he seems to work overtime on people in leadership positions both in government and the church.   Listen to the apostle Paul: “…we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the ruler of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Eph. 6:12). As a former pastor I can testify to the trut

"The Leaven of Liberalism" Part 4 Liberalism Defined

                                               Liberalism Defined  Liberalism is not like all the other " isms ". It's not a fixed system like socialism, communism or capitalism. Liberalism is more like a driving force, a cause or a means. It's an agent of change which seeks to alter or modify a fixed or established system. Much like leaven, liberalism will even morph into the properties in which it is being implanted. What I mean by this is; liberalism, when planted in church theology, becomes church doctrine. When liberalism is presented to our schools, it becomes education. When it's kneaded into our justice system, it becomes law, etc... Liberalism, as we know it today, has lurched in the shadows of American politics since the birth of our nation. Initially, it developed in Europe from the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries as a theory to guard the industrial and commercial classes in their struggle against the monarchy and the church. The economi