Strong Delusion Part II
The Strong Delusion In the Last Days Part II In Part I of this series, we looked at just how subtle deception is, especially in these last days. I spent a lot of time writing about the green movement and how it reaches into almost every facet of daily human living. Since the green movement has a political and global initiative, I believe it is strongly tied to the system which will be used by the antichrist to govern a global economy. I tried to get you to think outside the theological box most of us Christians have created for ourselves; by pointing out we may very well see some major changes here in America, including a more intensive persecution towards believers in Christ. It’s a Spiritual Problem In Part II of this series, I want to point out more devices which Satan uses to draw us a way from the truth , as well as, our over dependence o n the se devices. But let me begin by emphasizing ...